IWSA Open Show, 07th May 2023 - Results
Judge: Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
Venue: Stafford Showground (in partnership with Birmingham National Championship Show)
Entries: 37/ Absent: 12
Best In Show
Mrs L & Mr P Bradley - Sh Ch StanegateStageDebut (AI)
Reserve Best In Show
Mrs R & Miss O Busby - Sh Ch Stanegate Leading Role At Zakby JW
Best Opposite Sex In Show
Mrs R & Miss O Busby - Sh Ch Stanegate Leading Role At Zakby JW
Best Puppy In Show
Mr DJ & Mrs AC Smith - Goldenacre Jubilee Lord Of Leonardston
Reserve Best Puppy In Show
Z Davey - Santarocco Derry
Best Veteran In Show
(No Entries Present)
Best Dog
Mrs R & Miss O Busby - Sh Ch Stanegate Leading Role At Zakby JW
Reserve Best Dog
Mr B Duckmanton - Cuboglach Sandy Wave
Best Bitch
Mrs L & Mr P Bradley - Sh Ch Stanegate Stage Debut(AI)
Reserve Best Bitch
Ms J Hempstead - Riverforest Irish Eider At Cuvana
Judges Critique
The Judges Critique for the IWSA May 2023 Open Show can be seen by CLICKING HERE.