IWS Classes at Blackpool Championship Show and IWSA Open Show - Blackpool, 21 August 2021

Wet weather gear was advisable but it didn't dampen the atmosphere, and our thanks to all who braved the weather at Blackpool to enter the IWS Classes in the Blackpool Championship Show (Judge: Mrs Jane Eyeington - judged inside marquee), and then the IWSA Open Show (Judge: Mr Fraser McCallum - judged in open air).
Luckily, the rain did hold off just long enough to use the large outside ring to allow the dogs a little more room to move freely.
Apologies, there are no official photos of the winners just yet - by the time judging was concluded the weather had taken a turn for the worse and it was far too wet for a photo session! We will try to rectify this and take some photos of the principal winners at September's 46th Championship Show. Hopefully the rosettes and prize cards will have dried out by then!
Photos are reproduced by kind permission of Bill Sclater, Ian Biggs and Kirsty Biggs.