North London IWS Mingle - Potters Bar, 17th October 2021
Photo: Sharron Woods
Photo: Sharron Woods
Photo: Sharron Woods
Photo: Sharron Woods
Finally!! Originally planned for March 2019, this mingle had been on hold for eighteen months because of lockdown.
The party consisted of ten Irish Water Spaniels and one Sprocker who gathered with their owners at Great Haw Wood near Potters Bar, North London for an autumn walk and pub lunch. A bonus - the weather was kind to us for the weekend.
Not only did our dogs enjoy themselves, it was an absolute pleasure to meander slowly through beautiful mature woodland, with the trees just starting to show their Autumn colours. A little brook ran alongside part of the walk, which was a real draw for the younger IWS who raced up and down the banks of the stream all the way along.
Lunch was round the corner at the Coach and Horses, a local hostelry serving very tasty Thai food in a most traditional English pub environment: beams, carpets and fireplaces decorated with horse brasses.
Thanks to Chris and Mick McDonagh for organising and hosting this super mingle, to Sharron Woods and Carolyn Trousdale for permission to show their photos, and to Debbie Robinson for her report of the event
There will be another one next Spring 2022. If you’d like to be informed about future mingles, please email Debbie Robinson ( to be added to the list.