IWSA Open Show, 23rd September 2021 - Results
Judge: Ms Sue Margerison (Kandrelli)
Venue: Stafford Showground (in partnership with Birmingham National Championship Show)
Entries: 28 / Absent: 5
Best In Show
Mr DJ & Mrs A Smith - Ir Sh Ch Foulby Niamh At Leonardston (AI)
Reserve Best In Show
Mr G, Mrs K & Miss Z Stirk - Pharises Keep A Secret For Grakar
Best Opposite Sex In Show
Mrs E Davies - Stanegate Fly Me To The Moon With Shelseivad Sh Ch
Best Puppy In Show
Mr G, Mrs K & Miss Z Stirk - Stanegate Hey It's Bianca Nat Taf
Reserve Best Puppy In Show
Mrs H Rollo-Jones - Stanegate Repeats The Magic
Best Veteran In Show
Mrs E Davies - Stanegate Fly Me To The Moon With Shelseivad Sh Ch
Best Dog
Mrs E Davies - Stanegate Fly Me To The Moon With Shelseivad Sh Ch
Reserve Best Dog
Mrs R & Miss O Busby - Stanegate Leading Roll (AI) Zakby (JW)
Best Bitch
Mr DJ & Mrs A Smith - Ir Sh Ch Foulby Niamh At Leonardston (AI)
Reserve Best Bitch
Mr G, Mrs K & Miss Z Stirk - Pharises Keep A Secret For Grakar